Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Lose Weight Fast and Safely The Truth About Fat Loss

97% of those who are trying to get lean are following the wrong advice and there is a scientifically proven fat loss system that will work for practically everyone. 99% of all fat loss supplements are total junk but there are a few that will actually help people lose body fat naturally and safely.

There is a simple fat loss system that does not require individuals to turn into some kind of social hermits, that they can stick to within a normal life, and eat normal healthy and very tasty food. There simply is no big secret to losing body fat, getting a new zest for life, improving self confidence and let us be honest here, getting hot new bodies. This system is for dieting newbies and goes all the way to those looking to get ripped.

Without going into marketing terminology or hype we can state that most diets pay no attention to critical factors such as age, sex, height and activity levels. They literally just provide a standard set of calories based on bodyweight and somehow miraculously expect people to lose weight and get lean.

Getting lean for life is actually a natural process that does not require deprivation. In fact, the word DIET should not even be used to describe such a process. There is a natural and healthy eating style and simple exercise program that anyone can follow that will easily result in them losing body fat quickly and safely. Anyone in reasonably good health can follow the system and, of course, it is recommended to check with your physician first before embarking upon any exercise program.

The program is simply to eat a balanced diet of whole natural foods combined with some simple aerobic exercise and strength training. It does not require a gym or equipment. The simple aerobic exercise can be walking or jogging around the neighborhood or jogging or walking in place inside your home while watching TV. The strength training can be performed with simple pushups, deep knee bends, or any good movement with no weights required.

The eating program consists of natural tasty food that is high in protein but not too high, and low in fat but not too low. In order to lose body fat an individual simply needs to create a small energy deficit by eating slightly less and being slightly more active. The key word here is slightly! This method is used by ordinary people and also champion athletes on their way to being ripped. It can result in a body fat loss of one to two pounds per week which may not seem like much, but that is actually fifty-two to one hundred four pounds in one year. Now, that is a lot!

Did you know that a good set of six-pack abs are developed not mainly in the gym, but in the kitchen? Eating is about 80% of getting lean, exercise is the other 20%. Eat and exercise properly, it is easy. Here is to your new lean body along with your long and healthy life. All the best.

best whey protein blend: all natural protein

best whey protein blend: all natural whey protein

Article Source: www.articlesnatch.com

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